Recycling for rice initiative

Recycling for Rice Initiative

The rural people of East Bali have been hit hard by the pandemic. Tourism has come to a halt and job losses are multiplying daily. With no social welfare available, families are going without even the basics.

As Amed and its surrounds is a fishing village, the people are able to access fish, fruit and vegetables. However, rice being a staple in the Asian diet is much harder to source.

Yayasan Team Action Amed, a foundation made up of both local Balinese and expats, is focusing on assisting those affected by the pandemic. Its initial aim was to raise at least $1,000 a month to provide for a large number of families in the area.

“Trying to sustain a feeding program for the masses on top of our regular community work has proved a challenge indeed,” said campaign manager Moya James.

A new Recycling for Rice Initiative from Plastic Exchange Bali, a barter program that turns the problem of environmental pollution into an opportunity to use plastic trash as a currency for food, was seen as delivering a two-fold solution. It brings dignity to people by allowing them to participate in an activity that gives them food for their families as well as cleaning up the environment,

The foundation in collaboration with Plastic Exchange Bali will introduce this concept across three villages comprising 20 Banjars commencing November 13, 2020.

An initial 300kg of rice will be given to each Banjar, recyclable materials can then be onsold and funds diverted back into continuing the program with minimal top ups.

 Plastic Exchange Bali have generously donated IDR30 million to kick this off and the foundation now needs to continue raising money to keep the initiative alive. It has already raised IDR12 million but is short for the initial round by IDR13 million (AUD1,300), so please dig deep and give a helping hand. Just AUD25 can provide 25kgs of rice for a family of four for one month.

How can I donate?


Transferwise or transfer to local bank account:

Bank Rakyat Indonesia – persero (BRI)

Account name – Yayasan Team Action Amed

Account – 809701002710535


Australian Account: Team Action Amed


Account number 22622144

Villa Sintra Bali is proud to support this incredible initiative

Recycling for rice initiative

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